Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Poo Attack

Ava is sitting in a bouncy seat in the kitchen with me as I cook dinner. Blake comes in from work....

B: Did Ava spill something on herself?
R: What?
I glance to our daughter and sure enough she had a blowout that made it out the front of her diaper (I've seen it multiple times, it's Blake's first time)
B: I guess she needs to be cleaned up?
R: Haha, um, yeah Blake, she's all yours! Put her in the bath to wash her looks like a bad one.
30 minutes later he comes downstairs with her dressed in a 9 month outfit (she's 6 weeks old) falling off of her, and a trash bag with her dirty outfit, the dirty diaper, and many wipes.
R: Did you not just wash her off?
B: I did. I used a box of the wipes to clean her and she's clean.
R: You mean you used wipes out of the box up there?
B: I used the whole box.
R: Nice, that's $4 worth of wipes for one diaper change.
B: At least she's clean. Also, that was poop wasn't it?
R: Yes, why?
B: I just thought that poop came out of her butt, and her butt was almost clean but the poop had gotten all over her front, out the front of her diaper, and all over her face and neck.
R: There wasn't any on her face/neck when she went upstairs.
B: She may have rolled in her dirty diaper when my back was turned picking out her new outfit.